By seeing London, I have seen as much of life as the world can show.-Samuel Johnson

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Love Reminded Me...

There is a sincere, honest, pure beauty in a world perpetuated by Love. In the simplest form, Love is as complex as the four letters which comprise the word. Love is present in the smallest of gestures, the slightest whisper, the calmest glance of the eyes. It is everything wanted and needed by a human race searching for so much more. Yesterday, amongst the noise, the dancing, and the cheers of hundreds of thousands of people, I was reminded of such simplicity.

We were all there for the sake of Love.

It is hard to believe we live in a world where there are rules and regulations as to the display, creation, and perpetuation of such a beautiful, natural motion. There are excuses and rumors and lies that scar the very name of Love, and send tears of confusion down Her cheeks, as She wonders what Her giving heart did to deserve such judgment.

Perhaps it is my lack of ascription to a specific religion or set of a beliefs that allows me to take Love in on her darkest days, pass Her a cup of tea, and promise that after a few Advil, the headaches of the world will dissipate.

She constantly asks me, "What did I do to deserve this?".
Do you know how difficult it is to answer a question that does not have a rational, suitable answer?

This world is befuddled and dumbfounded by the norms and guidelines that box the human race into a perpetuated comfort zone. Each time we step out of that zone, which rarely happens as history reminds us, a change occurs. Lives are saved, people are relieved of the burdens their ancestors have carried for centuries, and we take another step in an aimless direction of progression.

As I pondered the lack of true direction the human race has in this abstract idea of "life", I looked around at the friends of Love. I found her in the arms of the strangers above; in the kiss of two women who valued Her beauty to the fullest; in the glances of supporters and advocates of Love's manifestation in all forms. And I wondered why We were so afraid, for so long (and quite honestly, still afraid) to step out of  that box of comfort once more, and give Love a true chance at success.

Should we have to throw a parade to save Her name? Should stickers and pamphlets and encouraging words from Love's enlightened minds be absolutely vital to Her success in the world? Love smiled at me yesterday, She told me She belonged her.

Love should not have to search for a place to belong.

So, as the parade continued and the noise escalated, and Love breathed a deep sigh of relief-I fell into a disconnected zone of content. And as I looked to my right, I found a little ray of hope:
I found Love. Wrapped about the arms of this tiny girl, whispering into her soul:

"Please, make me a home."

And even if this beautiful child didn't understand Her right away...I know she will do the best she can to take Love in and spread Her across the span of the life she is just beginning.

There is hope in the future.
In the future, there is Love.

1 comment:

  1. You are a gifted writer! And I'm glad you're so open minded.
